HVAC and New Construction, Home Additions and Multi-Family Dwellings

Four Signs That You Need Gas Heater Repair

Gas heaters can be a cost-effective way to keep your house warm. They're efficient and reliable as long as they're working properly. However, gas heaters require regular maintenance and sometimes repair in order to run efficiently. If you suspect that your gas heater is malfunctioning or you have noticed any of the following signs, it may be time for a repair:

1. You Need Gas Heater Repair If The Pilot Light Keeps Going Out

If you find that the pilot light keeps going out on your gas heater, there could be a number of things wrong. One possibility is that the thermocouple is bad and needs to be replaced. Another possibility is that the thermocouple has become dirty, which can happen if you have pets or if you have a lot of dust in your home. A third possible explanation is that the thermocouple is not properly adjusted for the type of fuel being used.

2. You Need Gas Heater Repair If You See Smoke Coming From The Vents

Smoke coming from your vents can mean several things: first, it may mean that there is an issue with how much airflow there is coming into your home; second, it could mean that there is too much combustion occurring; and third, it could mean that there's too much gas escaping from somewhere in your system. All three of these issues need to be addressed by getting professional help from a qualified HVAC technician.

3. You Need Gas Heater Repair If There Is A Gas Smell

If you smell gas near your heater, it could mean that there's a leak somewhere in the system or that there's residue left over from an old leak that has not been cleaned out properly. Either way, this is an indication that your unit needs to be repaired by someone who understands how these systems work so they can address the issue appropriately.

4. You Need Gas Heater Repair If You Have Low Water Pressure

If there's low water pressure coming from your shower or sink faucets after using them just prior to turning on your heater for the day, then this could mean that there is some type of blockage within your heating system that needs to be addressed immediately before it causes any additional damage.

If you notice any of the above signs that your gas heater is not working properly, then it's a good idea to contact a professional who can determine the cause of the issue and quickly repair or replace your unit so that you can get back to enjoying warm showers and comfortable indoor temperatures.

Contact a professional for more information about gas heater repair
