Let Commercial Refrigeration Experts Keep Your Yogurt Business Growing
It's sad that all the commercial appliances, including your yogurt refrigerator or freezer, wear down with time or develop some problems along the way. Though you are careful to keep the freezer in your frozen yogurt business in good shape, it will malfunction at some point. Don't concentrate more on the problem your commercial fridge has developed but on how it would be fixed. Refrigerators are among the appliances that untrained or incompetent hands shouldn't handle when they are faulty. See what tells you it's time to give a reputable commercial refrigeration company a call:
Visible Leaks
A fridge that's leaking needs a professional eye to identify the cause of the problem. Replacing a freezer is expensive, but it's the only option for those who avoid professional repairs when the leaks are still minor. Any leaking problem you ignore now will eventually cost you a lot of money later. Most of the problems that the freezers and refrigerators develop get worse when some DIY fixes are applied or when professional repairs are completely ignored. Putting some containers inside the fridge to collect the leaking water isn't a profound solution to the leaking problem. Call in commercial refrigeration professionals to assess the leaks and identify why the appliance is leaking.
The Freezer Feels Hot
Most freezers or fringes feel quite warm when running, and this is normal. However, a freezer that feels hot isn't in good working condition. Most refrigerators with a faulty motor get hot, and they don't cool things down. A well-maintained refrigerator or freezer should get rid of the heat contained in the air circulating inside the appliance. The condenser coil of your freezer or cooler doesn't function properly when dust accumulates around it. The dust causes massive damage to the components of your cooling appliance and shortens their lifespan. Professional commercial refrigeration technicians should inspect and check your freezer quarterly to avoid this problem and extend its lifespan.
Food Doesn't Stay Cold
A "healthy" freezer should keep your yogurt cold always. It should maintain the required cooling temperatures without fluctuations to avoid yogurt spoilage and waste. You know your freezer isn't working if the yogurt or milk you put in it about 30-60 minutes ago isn't cold. Most people experience this problem when the fridge temperatures are incorrectly set. You know the problem is beyond you if the thermostat settings are correct, but the yogurt in the fridge isn't cold. Don't fix anything but rather contact competent experts in commercial refrigeration to find out what's wrong with your fridge and fix the problem.
Frost build-up and strange noises also indicate that your freezer or fridge is ailing. Trying to identify why your fridge isn't working properly or speculating the problems it might have developed yourself will only worsen the problem. Competent commercial refrigeration experts don't just bring your refrigerator 'back to life', but they also help you save your money, business and time.